
The past several weeks have been a series of saying good-by to our many friends here.  This blog will mainly be photos of people.  To most of you they may not mean much but to us they mean a lot.  These are the people who have made our past 15 months a special time.

We held an AGM (Annual General Meeting) to which our partners and friends are invited.  It is a general business meeting but also a time to learn from each other.  Two people talked about their programs—a new peace project in the west of Uganda and a SALT experience.  We also held a “panel discussion” on “Uganda’s Known Killer—Corruption.”

We held our last team meeting and were able to say goodbye to our present service worker and SALTer.  We welcomed our the new Country Representative.  We had an all-day Advisors’ Meeting and ended the day with a supper which included MCC national staff and their families.

We took one last trip to visit one of our Global Family school projects.  MCC supports 30 girls at the school and also supports projects that help everyone at the school—energy efficient stove, solar lighting, lightening rods, etc.  The Sisters there have become very dear to us.

And of course, our last farewells to our National Staff in the office and those that help us around the house.  It has been hard to say farewell but we know that the MCC program will continue.

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